Phantasy Star Online & Golden Sun Kingdom
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Possible GS3

GS2 Boss Guide

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PSO Ep3 C.A.R.D Revolution

Rankings Page


HELLO!!  And welcome to the ONLY (As far I know) website entirely for my favourite games; Golden Sun 1&2 (GBA) and Phantasy Star Online Series (GC)

Let my tell you about my site, this website will be ENTIRELY based on Phantasy Star Online EpI & II and Golden Sun 2. And now Phantasy Star Online EpIII C.A.R.D Revolution. It will contain information and such on these 3 games. 

My name is David, on the world of PSO (online) my name is   -=*Star*=- (HUnewearl was corrupted at lv 156)        =(  

Now that Episode III has been released, PSO is becoming more popular, time to get some more information on this game up.

I've re-bought GS1+2, and have completed them both. (Again). I had forgotten how addictive those games were...


Here are the updates so far:

4/12/03 -  Made this website, hurray for me!

4/12/03 -  Put on some pictures from PSO and GS

4/12/03 -  My friend Ryan made his first site. (

5/12/03 -  Added some more pictures and a small weapon database for GS2.

7/12/03 -  More detail on Weapon database for GS2.

9/12/03 -  Could there be a GS3? See my views on the Possible GS3 page on the left.

10/12/03 - More GS2 pictures added and a new link too.

11/12/03 - GS2 Boss guide has been added.

13/12/03 - Guestbook added, go sign it now!

17/12/03 - Added a "Battle Page" containing my battle history.

22/12/03 - "New Classes" page added. Contains information on how to get cool classes.

23/12/03 - The last update of the year, just updated the About Page.

28/12/03 - It has come to my attention that I didn't discover the Trainer's Whip etc. Classes and that my good friend Omar Farid did so thanks Omar!! =)

31/12/03 - Its the last day of 2003, hope you have fun! More updates will be added in the new year. Thats all for now!

2/01/04 -  The new year is in, which means new things. One of these things will be Phantasy Star Online Ep3 C.A.R.D Revolution. I personally can't wait until it comes out (February 2004 USA dunno about UK). When it does I will post info on it from the Online world as well as general hints and tips etc.

5/01/04 - I have just recieved an e-mail from my mate Omar saying that he has discovered more, cool, new classes for GS2, as soon as I get them I will post them in the "New Classes" section.

9/01/04 - I've added a new Link, Game Trailers, this a brilliant site i have only recently found containing loads of Game trailers from past, present, and future games. It also contains video clips od actual game play so you can really get a good idea on what the game is like. (The main reason i've added this site is because it contains an excellent trailer on Phantasy Star Online Ep3 C.A.R.D Revolution)

9/01/04 - Just recently found out that PSO Ep1 & 2 is being released on PC soon which is great news for people who can't get online with their GC.

9/01/04 - Less exciting news, my mate Omar was just joking about the new classes. Oh well...

12/01/04 - Apparently PSO 3 is to be released in the USA in March, so will likely be released in the UK about April. I can't wait!

13/01/04 - Ignore the previous post, PSO3 is due to be released in the states on the 17th February 2004.

16/01/04 - My friend Alvin Leung has completed his site which is based on Splinter Cell and Vice City. The link for it has been added in the "Links" section.

18/01/04 - I have added a PSO 3 page which contains what I know about the game and a brilliant video of it. Enjoy!

21/01/04 - Episode 3 page has been updated and now has ALOT of information on the game.

18/03/04 - I haven't updated the site in a while due to internet problems but now that they seem to be sorted I feel that i should. Some news now, PSO3 has been released in the USA and many of my americans have the game (they say it's great). Apparently, PSO3 is due to be released in the UK in Summer 2004!! I still can't wait but I think that's kinda too long to wait!!

18/03/04 - Camalot is most likely going to make a GS3 due to the brilliant success of GS1 and GS2. I hope they do!!

15/04/04 - PSO3 is apparently due to be released in the 2nd quater of 2004 in the UK. (Summer)

15/04/04 - PSO BB is the next Phantasy Star Online game to be released and it is going to be a PC version! PSO BB stands for Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. (I have no idea what this name is about, but oh well). This game is apperently the same as PSO Ep1 & 2, but they have made a few changes, graphics, easier movement. There is also a new NPC on this game with a new quest/storyline for you to follow. More news on this will be posted when I find it.

12/05/04 - Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 is apparently due to be released in Europe in July 2004. Not too long to wait now.

12/05/04 - PSO BB will also have new enemies and at least 1 new area to go to!

21/05/04 - Phantasy Star Online 2!!?? Currently in the making, is a new PSO game which shall be called 'Phantasy Star Universe'. There isn't much known on this game because it is still in the making, but when something comes up, i'll post it here. To see screenshots and a teaser of this game, go to: and have a look for it there. (These is also a link to the video on

4/06/04 - It's about time!! Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 : C.A.R.D Revolution is due to be released in Europe next week! (11th June 2004). I've pre-ordered my copy from get yours now!

14/06/04 - Yeah! I got Episode 3!! Let me tell you, it rocks! It's probably nowhere near as addictive or long lasting as PSO Ep1&2, but it's still good!

10/07/04 - Added a new page, 'Rankings Page'. This page tells you about the different ranks online and offline for battles, weapons and rank online.

13/08/04 - A few updates today, firstly the great clan known as BLUE LIGHTNING has formed, or re-formed. I am the joint leader of this clan with Samzo. We currently have 7 members, each member has a rank (same ranks as on ep3). Me and Samzo are ranked as God, as you may have guessed. Our clan has a website and a forum, the website address is: The link to the fourm is also on this website.

13/08/04 - I'm going on holiday tomorow, to Spain so i won't be here or online for a week. Have fun online people, cya in a weeks time!

24/08/04 - I'm back from sunny Spain and got a nice tan! lol, more updates and news coming up soon.

16/09/04 - Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 Plus has now been released in the US, so it should be released in the UK in late 2004/ early 2005.

16/09/04 - Phantasy Star Universe is apprently going to be released on GC, PS2 and Xbox. This means that it should be released before the next band of consoles are released. (Which i think is 2005)

16/09/04 - Apparently, Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst isn't going to be released in English, whether or not this is true i don't know, but i hope it is, it looks great!

16/09/04 - PSOBB is going to have something new added....Episode 4!! This new episode will most likely be set alot further ahead of episode 1+2 (seeing as episode 3 is set 21 years after episode 2). So who knows what Ragol may hold can find pictures and further information on


Welcome To My Home Page

My site is looking good now. (At last) There are 13 pages for you to look at all containing interesting facts about me and PSO+GS.

Site Enhancements

Site is completed but always check the dates above for updates to the site!

Thanx for visiting!

(The new NPC in PSO BB)

For more pictures from PSO and GS, click on the image above.


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