About . . .
Home Page

About Page

Picture Page

Contact Page

Popular Links

Helpful Hints

Possible GS3

GS2 Boss Guide

Guest Book Page

Battle Page

New Classes

PSO Ep3 C.A.R.D Revolution

Rankings Page

My Characters


 -=*Star*= - Lv 158 HUnewearl

Jenna - Lv 168 FOmarl

Superman!!!! - Lv 115 RAcast

PSO Episode 3 -

-=*Star*=- - Lv 25 (LORD) HUnewearl

GS 1&2 -

David (Isaac) - Lv 39 - Tisiphone Edge

Marik (Garet) - Lv 39 - Tisiphone Edge

Kranz (Ivan) - Lv 39 - Tisiphone Edge

Star (Mia) - Lv 39 - Lachesis Rule

Felix (Felix) - Lv 46 - Sol Blade

Imoen (Jenna) - Lv 46 - Tisiphone Edge

Amy (Sheba) - Lv 45 - Lachesis Rule

Break (Piers) - Lv 45 - Excalibur

(Not bad eh?)



My Site

My site contains:

* Pictures from PSO and GS

* Information on the games

* Helpful Hints

* Links

* Boss Guide for Golden Sun 2

* My views on a possible Golden Sun 3

* My battle results for Golden Sun 2

* Guest Book

* New Classes Page

* Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 C.A.R.D Revolution Page

* Rankings Page


Hello, my name is David and this is my 1st website!    =)

I have played Golden Sun since it first came out, and being an intense gamer I always keep up to date on it and always play it. I managed to get Golden Sun 2 before it was released in the UK and in my opinion, it is THE BEST game on the GBA.

I also got PSO on the day it was released, but didn't get online with it until 2 months later (due to computer difficulties). I was originally Lv 156 and Lv 113 until I was sadly corrupted.

My good friend Ryan also plays PSO and GS but ofcourse, he is nowhere near as good as I am!! lol. We both are skilled gamers at all games, but I must admit, he is better than me at SOME games. (Only SOME lol) Ryan now has his own site the address is:



Think you could beat me and/or Ryan? Think again!